08 February 2013

i welcome our beastly guest

mom mom
hey mom
look what followed
me home from google

fig9a protip copy image url paste into google images

pretty sure
the fuzzy one is madness

i like it

can we keep him

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

objectify hostilities

they are as we
treat them

kicking the car that

cursing the computer
that lost the file

throwing the shovel

fig8a shadows and parts of our former selves

a tool is an augmentation
replacement for human

their mechanization
replaces our bodies

their digitalization
our brains

capital wants to make human

we are already at war

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

07 February 2013

meditation re gun control

eclecticbreakfast once again hosts
a good meditation
re the worship
of the self vs the state

which to a reply is penned

there is of course no such thing
as the state
nothing you can point to
say there it is

there is a collection of very nice buildings
mostly old white male
engaged in a widely reported
ritualized charade
an immense labor structure
stamps bells & whistles
that command respect
lotta land & investments
financial legal &c

a devoted apparatus of force
backing it up

but at the end of the day
consensual adherence
to useful fiction
for capital

is a little more tangible
because of the body
the ego is notably more concrete
though it too
does not stand
up well to intense scrutiny

family is a hereditary arrangement
its story more immediate

community is just
family neighbors businesses

it is reactive
to value these things instead
of the state
because they predate
the state
it is progressive
to value these things instead
because they move us away
from the states

state monopoly on violence
it can sanction its own use
of force
individual family community
excluded from participating

question of trust
trust in god
trust in the state

from the framework
alternatives boil down
i only trust people of my community
blood is thicker than water
the only person who has my back is me

question of loss
of trust
look at the trust the state
loses in we the people
formerly constituents
militarization of police
increased rules regulations
loss of common space

vicious circle

question of domination
along & within question of survival
any incarnation of the state
must dominate to survive
mubaraks al-assads withstanding
whatever it takes
other governments would do the same
i am the state

obsession can be fascistic - at bottom of the urge to clarify things is the impulse to dominate

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

06 February 2013

basic meditation on fossil fuels

capitalism arose out of the industrial revolution
which is the discovery
of fossil fuels

natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms
buried essence

fig 6a living labor

at first employing idle

for their surplus-labor
that extra bit of work capacity
beyond their wage

through money and commodity exchange
and profit

develop machines
that reproduce human motion
called dead labor
more laborers to work
on more & diverse

fig 7b manifestation of ossified human labor

some which extract
other essences
to make more machines
galvanized metals
computer chips

everything around us
is a product
of dead labor
dead essence
the undead

is necromancy

fig 7c death is no excuse to stop working

sustainable economics indeed

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

how to recruit

i spent a number of years in a marxist organization

i have a number of proleftist critiques & contributions

you can read other posts along these topics under the postmarxist critique label

fig5a black panther brandishing their weapons

when young black males
approached the black panthers
asking to be armed

leadership would hand them books

but why were they approached to begin with?

one thing i always failed to understand
about insular marxist groups today
was focus on recruitment
& political education

to the exclusion of doing good

what the panthers understood
was that in order to make a name
they had to be recognized

so they would serve food
to schoolchildren
they would follow the cops
to make sure
the population was not being abused

they found needs
in the population they wanted
to recruit
filled them
not with the primary goal
of recruitment
but of service

radical service

breaking with the logic
of capitalism
in action not just propaganda
what anarchists call propaganda
of the deed
which is usually taken to mean violence
what should actually mean


fig5b excuse me maam would you like some expensive union printed wrapping paper?

the insular marxist group
tries to distinguish itself with its published material
and sell it to people who couldnt
care less

recruiting the socalled politically
radicalized layers
of society

a lot of time is spent writing these papers
reading politcal material
organizing demonstrations
where hopefully these radicalized
layers will magically show up
looking for any answers

getting the same old answers

aside from flashpoints
such as occupy
one rarely sees new faces
at specifically political events

theyre doorknocking the converts

you dont prove the value of your politics
with polemics

you prove it in the

fig5c excuse me maam can i interest you in some communist goods and services?

do good
where there is evil

be radical
where there is convention

be collaborative
where there is competition

undermine the system where you are
as the anarchists say
where you stand

the capitalists
who by the way
have the monopoly on goods and services
call this advertising
their power stems from the provisions
created by their economic system
& is perpetuated
in the consumer mind by advertising

you dont undermine the economic system
without building alternative sources
of goods and services
which by their collaborative manufacture
& provision
are superior in quality quantity
distribution community & satisfaction

the need for advertising
will erode along with the capitalist model
as it is supplanted by an increase
in communal manufacture

one service in the name of the downtrodden
is worth all the socialist papers
in the world

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

05 February 2013

a puny point of polemics

"... and also state capital, in so far as governments employ productive wage-labour in mines, railways, etc., and function as industrial capitalists...."
-karl marx capital volume 3 pg 177

some proof contrary
to the trotskyist theory
that the ussr was a degenerated workers state

regardless of how you slice it
bureaucrats were the new bosses
kinda proved by the easy transition
into the purer
mafia capitalism
of current day russia

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

04 February 2013

postmarxist critique re transformative justice

i spent a number of years in a marxist organization

i have a number of proleftist critiques & contributions

fig4a howtodifferently

the first is most specific & important
a spectacle whichin i participated
first in a showtrial
then in very poor reaction
a good friend introduced me
to the concept of transformative justice
which i think
essential not just to aiding
victims of sexual assault
on the left
& elsewhere

but to confronting this beast
called capitalism
a system of dehumanization

& move to recognize
in oppressor oppressed

handle things
in a delicate nurturing energetic way

that maps a new route
to confrontation
with the mechanizing monster
which would make
rote of our flesh

a squalor of hypnotism and violation

and look instead
for the way
that there might be hope
for us all

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

03 February 2013

(mostly) survivors all

fig3a naturally we will equip ourselves with smartphone apps....

daps to my friend eclectricbreakfast
for this choice article
analyzing the zombie apocalypse
(yet again)

importantly this piece of text

which i think illustrates well
the position
we unconsciously take
from inside the consumerist recession

Neoliberalism and bourgeois culture places the individual (the self) at the centre of the universe. From this perspective the bulk of society appear as an immense collection of herd-like Others engaged in an array of apparently meaningless and mundane activities. You and your immediate circle are the individuals. The rest are a homogenous mass.
each little subculture
a bastion of us versus them
we have it right
and the rest consume media

fig3b its obvious

its more interclass competition
who is more adapted
to survive the neoliberal apocalypse
well of course those who are ready
to sacrifice their friends and family
on the alter of getting by

we long for work that is fulfilling
nothing is more that than survival

when face with a lack of real change
& that eternally recurring drudgery
of walking death

you could outfit every zombie with a bluetooth
only to give the narrative
a garishly particular spin

what do you want
a solution
a way forward?

well you cant spell collaboration
without labor

yours for the revolution
forbidden books