29 March 2013

against what is said

i went ahead

because i confess
i love a passionate spirit

Orders placed right now receive a free bookmark and pencil, limited to 1,000 copies, to celebrate the book's release.

fig25a first i converted an hour of my life into cash & then i converted the cash into a book two pencils & some bookmarks

do i really need
a pencil that says
a weapon with which to free speech
apparently that answer

what a shithead

fig25b hypocrisis
maybe this is what
their critics mean
when they accuse crimethinc
of being lifestylists

not that theres anything
with wanting a life
of consensus & freedom
but then

this isnt that
this is just the merch

might as well have bought
a damn anarchy keychain
at damn hot topic

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

28 March 2013

why you cannot dislike facebook

once again
tni hits the proverbial
nail in the balls
Negative sentiment – disliking – is asymmetrical in its power to shape consumer’s opinions of a brand: for every 10 likes, 1 dislike could tear a brand apart.
go ooooon
But we are not allowed to dislike. And herein lies a way out of the Like Economy. Dissent, dissensus, refusal are not easily afforded in Facebook. Dissenters have to work for it: they have to write out comments, start up a blog, seek out other dislikers. They are not lulled into slackivism or “clickivism,” replacing the work of activism with clicking “like” on a cause as if the sheer aggregate of sentiment will make someone somewhere change something
i am a selfstyled
of all the hundreds of folks
ive known
i am one of three
to ever opt out
of the facebooks

ive long hated it
first the bougie elitism
with which it left
alumni of my school
out of its loop

later its sicklysweet
anything commerce
picks up with such a frenzy
is to be



but what a great picture

fig23a death to myspace
bloody brilliant phrase
sovereign consumer too
because it can never be you
it is an abstraction
you personally
are a servant
just like all the rest of us
from the c suite to the pee moppers

we serve
the idea
that nothing is free

not even freedom

i gave my facebook profile to a homeless man

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

a bandit gang writ large warning the wire spoilers within

fig23a you can sleep easy

"Without justice, what are kingdoms but great robber bands? What are robber bands but small kingdoms? The band itself is made up of men, is ruled by the command of a leader, and is held together by a social pact. Plunder is divided in accordance with an agreed upon law."
- St Augustine

fig23b roberts rules say we gotta have minutes

"This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr

fig23c many ways to play the game

"The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime."
- Max Stirner

fig23d quiet violence in the merikan desert

"I have my own army in the NYPD - the seventh largest army in the world."
- Mayor Michael Bloomberg

fig23e military surplus for the war on terror or immigrants or whatever

"So these villains, who call themselves governments, well understand that their power rests primarily upon money. With money they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort money. And, when their authority is denied, the first use they always make of money is to hire soldiers to kill or subdue all those who refuse them more money."
- Lysander Spooner

fig23f cmon books are you really gonna go there - yeah i went there

"For if the bulk of the public were really convinced of the illegitimacy of the state, if it were convinced that the state is nothing more nor less than a bandit gang writ large, then the state would soon collapse to take on no ore status or breadth of existence than another mafia gang."
- Murray Rothbard

fig23g once theyve stopped working for the state theyre just dudes with a sweet ride

"Politics would be a helluva good business if it weren't for the goddamned people."
- Richard M. Nixon

fig23h damn people think they can just use their own bridges whenever they feel like it

"Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges, police, prisons, and gendarmes at the service of the plunderers, and treats the victim - when he defends himself - as a criminal."
- Frederic Bastiat

fig23i stop resisting

"You may think you belong to a big gang, you may be 50 people, even 100, but we have 32,000 in our gang. It's called the metropolitan police."
- Chief Inspector Ian Kibblewhite

fig23j see also a list of countries by size of police force
surely there is data to be considered here

"There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice."
- Charles De Montesquieu

fig23k the more translucent the window the more invisible the state

did not take as long
as i thought it would

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

27 March 2013

in which a review also contributes much

how often
do you read a review
better than most books

Punk was making up life for yourself, punk was inventing yourself, and punk was inventing the people around you, too, inflating them to the size of Gods or perhaps just cartoons. Punk was a scene and scenes are a form of myth-making.
Too often, stories about youth told by people who are not young focus, incorrectly, on romantic love. But traditional, romantic love is not what defines our formative years.... People would mistake Hell and Verlaine for brothers, Hell recounts. The mistake is exciting because they aren’t. Their sameness is trained, chosen, rather than ordained from birth. This kind of love is a rebellion, a freedom from the strictures of home and family. Punk is friendship, not love. It is the friend with whom we are literally or figuratively cutting class and hiding behind the gym, smoking and making plans to run away. In counter-cultures that refuse and reject patterns of domesticity, tradition, and adulthood, we define ourselves far more by strange friendships, by relationships that mimic not the love our parents were (or were supposed to be) in, but the camaraderie we had with our childhood best friends.
what book could
do that justice

oh well
ill read it anyway

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

26 March 2013

enough is enough you don't have to suffer any more

the following document
is the sixth declaration of the selva lacandona
from the zapatistas
published in 2005

yknow in some ways
we owe to them the existence
of any resistance
fig22a the inclusion of womens rights
a particularly good inclusion
for a machismo society
to neoliberal hegemony

this piece of correspondence
is unique in its humble language
thorough analysis

you see
you feel
tangible connection
to the plight
of the people
our economy

said merikans
are lucky
living in the belly
of the beast
we are uniquely situated
to relieve the anguish
of millions

but i see it as a responsibility
a challenge

just as soon as we figure

what we can do
that would make a difference
at all

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

news from across the pond

theres a great occupation
going on in sussex

you wont hear about it yet
in mainstream merika news
if ever
because occupations
are like
so 2011

& foreign news is meaningless
unless someone is blowing
up merikans

but once again id like
to point out
the loverly bbcs take
or well
supt grenville wilson
of what i can only assume
is the sussex pd

when officers arrived at Sussex House there was some resistance to their pressure and some coins were thrown.... At this point force could have been used, such as batons, by the officers but a decision was made for officers to step back from the situation for the safety of the protesters....

hot damn if that aint
the language of the patriarchy
i dunno what is

you know i oughtta beat your ass

i just picture
officer walker from the wire
sorry thats as good a quality
as i could get for a link

we should all be so grateful
when we are not abused
by police

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

25 March 2013

one lazy fuckin book review

i admit a certain guilty pleasure
in crimethinc
their periodical rolling thunder
is uh how should i say
less confusing
than normally obtuse
anarchist ranting

see here & here

what the fuck

i enjoyed rts bit
about the 08 rnc
looked for myself
in the pictures

no dice
no matter

so what if they tend to paint
an overly rosy picture
of their effectiveness
& numbers

i mean its propaganda
in the best way
marxists cant wont talk
like this
wont ever
win peoples hearts
only their brains
& thus only the cunning
the servile
join their ranks
stay there

& yeah
evasion is kind of crappy
like what if on
the road
was written by
a wordy middle school anarchist

& yeah
off the map feels
kind of pointless
sunshiney & pretty
not too much in the way of guidance

is certainly no
- warning large pdf -
it contains generally
most of the important
deals with people
little more evenhandedly
than broadbrushing folks
as bougie scum

fig21a who shall authorize the authority of the author?
shall the dictator dictate the dictionary?
do the settlers settle settlements?
my favorite part
of rt
is of course
the glossary
which both
& ridicules
every side
so im excited
about their new book

a war in every word
they say


yours for the revolution
forbidden books