09 March 2013


so now i hope youre wondering
what marx moses have

well no metaphor/analogy
is going to be perfect

my simple argument is perhaps
a reiteration of stuff
already said on the topic which
I am too lazy
& unattached
to investigate

marxism & anarchism
are political religions
im using the term
either by invention
or unintentional theft
i feel no guilt

fig16a i hope you get as much a kick out of this picture as i do

like moses
marx established
a tradition

of transmission
enlightenment by
received texts

sectarian really pegs it
each congregation
within international
party platforms

explains why
is explained by the fact
that academics
find appeal &
perpetuate it
keep the light
so to speak

fig16b distinct albeit ironic mystical undertones

they are fond of saying
they dont have a crystal ball
& then freely play
for sport

lucky guesses
all play a role
in recruitment

not to mention half the fun
of being a marxist

fig16c marxism makes martyrs

less fun
time energy free time
social time
must be given
to the deus politicki
wherein gods of eld
wanted the blood
& jesus wanted your tithes
marxisms utopia
competes with capitalism
for your unpaid labor power

work a job & go to school
& whatever else you want to do
youre only a good comrade
if you make politically appropriate
amounts of sacrifice
our resources are thin already
organization is always thirsty
leads to the burnout

leadoffs & branch meetings
are indeed ritualistic
dues collection discussion
nothing upsetting the norm
there are lots of historic
examples to draw on
its especially important
everyone be well versed
in the same texts ad pukeum

contrast anarchism
more utopia by revelation
still narrative
infinitely more accessible
doesnt dwell on history
political figures formulas

lived experience
more than a little
adventurism no less

fig16d young counterculture in capitalism necessarily suffers from oneupmanship & punker-than-thou snobbery

sort of suffers
from a peter pan syndrome

no small wonder
it attracts teenagers

still im moved to think
of zen buddhism
while master is chopping off a hand
the anarchist laughs & is enlightened

weird spiritual crossings
seeking utopia
today now urgently
at the very least
on this earth

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

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