26 January 2013

i stand only to say i have nothing to say at all

as someone interested in radicalism language sexuality
shit who isnt
interested in sexuality i mean
well we should be interested in all those things

i thought alot about lgbtq how it got where it is
when it got where it is
what the orders mean
could mean if switched around
the importance of placement
indices of arrangement

so before i started writing
i did what any cis radical
worth salt should do
i wikid it

oh jesus im out of my league

but theres so much good stuff
i wont stop reading but im not gonna open
my stupid mouth where
it doesnt understand

ill let
more experienced minds
do the talking

consider this a nudge thata ways

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

ps i smiled at the name of this magazine

pps i did manage to find myself in the alphabet soup
i like that the struggle has produced places
even someone privileged as me
can fit into once theyve started
unpacking the ideas and fighting
internalized oppression/oppressordom
ugh ... tangled thoughts
more on that later probably

25 January 2013

"gone gear-queer"

"Young men who dress to feel they'll be mistaken for having special capability. A species of cosplay, really. Endemic. Lots of boys are playing soldier now. The men who run the world aren't, and neither are the boys most effectively bent on running it next. Or the ones who're actually having to be soldiers, of course. But many of the rest have gone gear-queer, to one extent or another.... The military, if you think about it, largely invented branding. The whole idea of being 'in uniform.' The global fashion industry is based on that."
- huburtus bigend, Zero History by william gibson

forever smile for the camera

fig1a: martial fashion

you wont see this on a paris runway any time soon


probably not

there are few depths to which corporations wont sink to turn your head

so anyway
this photo causes a stir
probably mostly in the media if at all in the usa
but maybe with the public in france
who knows im not french
this french general has de gall to say
something along the lines of

this isnt indicative of the french intervention in mali

you know
war is an industry
its spokespeople
are all


every time you hear a talking head
talking bout some conflict
humanitarian intervention
successfully blown up brown folks alleged terrorist baby eaters
remote controlled precision slaughter

youre being sold something
an image a paradigm
a narrative
its like a commercial

root commerce
you know better than to believe that

mister african soldier worker shame on you
for covering your face with the true face of your profession
frances efforts for what it really is
a white mans war
paving space for capital

we dont pay you to showcase truth


kill something already

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

24 January 2013

hail potus

get a kick out of the most fashionable acronyms in usa politics
which because you were not born under a rock
like i was
you know stands for
president of the united states

bit on the origin here

ok yes yes been around a while
but i think its really come into the spotlite
with twitter
gotta conserve those characters

and its perfect that obama is the first real potus
part of that

handy, sassily insidish, behind-his-back reference

just fits
the potus who brought us
a more techsavvy
humane eloquent hip

its good
its populist
its jive for the hipster generation
a setapart hallmark for the black american achievement
of presidentialness

it also sounds v roman
doesnt it

obscuring the origin of president
which we didnt seem to think about so much before anyway
one who presides
an arbitrater
potus is a doer
regal imperial
master of legions
and drones
fitting for global leader

and just a little
just a touch

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

& it acts like a commodity & all that is implied

Money is the universal equivalent form of all commodities, which already show in their prices that they ideally represent a specific sum of money, expected to be transformed into money, and only receive the form in which they can be converted into use-values for their possessor by changing places with money. Thus once labor-power is found on the market as a commodity, its sale taking place in the form of payment for labour, in the wage form, then its sale and purchase is no more striking than the sale and purchase of any other commodity. What is characteristic is not that the commodity labour-power can be bought, but the fact that labour-power appears as a commodity.
- karl marx, capital vol2 p114



money is literally & linguistically the last word in worth

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

23 January 2013

you cant compete with the state they have guns

one of my goals for this year is to finish at least volume two of capital by karl marx.

the introduction by ernest mandel has so far been one of the most revealing & compelling parts of this book
it presents the weapon manufacturing industry as the tireless backbone of capitalism

meaning when all other industries fail there will always be a market for weapons

meaning capitalism will never fail entirely with this basis in existence

there will "always" be state & private markets for weapons

the state has a monopoly on violence -
this is part of the marxist definition of the state
even violence against wild animals has to be state sanctioned in industrialized nations

marxism broadly reflects that in the absence of a final
meaning no natural death for capitalism or the state
armed insurrection illegal violence
is the only method for packing it away once & for all

kind of goofy to try to beat it at its own game

the state will always resort to violence when it has to in order to get people to behave the right way

& snever the white collars who wear the nooses in mass

even with dedicated leadership the strongest armed insurrections can only wreak so much change for so long

because violence has to do with coercion & power paradigms & competition

so those are the paradigms that need to be challenged usurped & changed

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

22 January 2013

over the top and under the radar squeezing through your keyholes leaking through the cracks in your foundations

and we will not discuss this like gentlemen
this is genocide, we are desensitized
we are the set aside setting our sights on the enterprise
we were never meant to find
this is America: one big happy prison
but we wrote our names on the walls
you thought it was graffiti, but it was a sign
to everyone looking, from those already inside
- Guante, "Welcome to the Border"

we the people
(clients, customers, or citizens?)
(from homeland security watch)

my response here reproduced,

hmmm, this is a really thought-provoking one….

“Citizen” is quite the ancient Roman term. Greek, too, but more importantly Roman because our government structure is based on the Republic, not the polis. The citizen has rights, most definitively the right to vote – the other rights are historically negotiated and vary from area and epoch.

“Client” is a management term. A client is both a customer and a boss.Complicated relationship. The proletariat does not deal (has not dealt) in clients and has (had) a customer and/or a boss, never both in the same person (until the advent of the “independent contractor”).

“Customer” is a market term, in both the abstract (“the market economy”) and concrete (the physical marketplace) sense. Producers seek customers in the first sense in order to convert goods into money and complete the circuit of capital accumulation. A customer in this sense is merely a link in a chain and a necessary evil in the process of making money. The retail worker handles customers in the second sense and may either be petit-bourgeoise or employed by one (wherein petit-bourgeoise means either small business owner or retail management of a corporation). Increased use of the term “customer” indicates an attempt at increased market penetration or market ideals, capitalism being a totalitarian and colonizing system.

So the debate illustrates, I think, a further shift towards the marketization of government, and works a double function of obscuring the military-industrial oppression of people in occupied territory, folks subjected to oppression, incarceration, and a deprivation of direct participation in their own environment. Thus:

What word best describes who to enlist in “efforts to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards”?

A: Praetorian fits, I think.

please forgive the use of convention
in language

a final word/2:
empire replicates.

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

inspiration for the modern hobo

i watched the first disney movie in a long time tonight that i actually liked

the journey of natty gann

it's about a little lady during the depression hopping trains and eating out of garbage cans and generally escaping THE MAN's clutches on the way to reunite with her dad in washington after he had to leave her behind looking for work

so it's obviously like a disney movie family values kid with animal feel-good times etc and so on
but one thing i liked about it besides the occasional swear and a little bit of smoking and violence and general riffraffery is a young strong female protagonist

kind of reminds me of katniss of the hunger games fame
so i guess i would be wrong to say they wouldn't make a movie like the journey of natty gann today because they sort of have even though the hunger games is a dystopia and natty gann takes place in the real world arguably also dysoptian but i digress

this scene towards the beginning of the buxom middle-aged hotel owner powdering her face and bullying scrappy natty around in her fathers absence reminds me of the makeup debates going on in the feminist blogging circles

im inclined to be like yeah
sgood to feel empowered when everything tries to take your agency away
just as important to realize that what you do with your agency is important too - you know jumping trains organizing shit workplaces and fighting oppression blah blah blah

disney movie for cryin out loud! i haven't seen this much capital-r RRResistance in a disney movie in anything before or after 1985

yours for the revolution
forbidden books