09 March 2013


so now i hope youre wondering
what marx moses have

well no metaphor/analogy
is going to be perfect

my simple argument is perhaps
a reiteration of stuff
already said on the topic which
I am too lazy
& unattached
to investigate

marxism & anarchism
are political religions
im using the term
either by invention
or unintentional theft
i feel no guilt

fig16a i hope you get as much a kick out of this picture as i do

like moses
marx established
a tradition

of transmission
enlightenment by
received texts

sectarian really pegs it
each congregation
within international
party platforms

explains why
is explained by the fact
that academics
find appeal &
perpetuate it
keep the light
so to speak

fig16b distinct albeit ironic mystical undertones

they are fond of saying
they dont have a crystal ball
& then freely play
for sport

lucky guesses
all play a role
in recruitment

not to mention half the fun
of being a marxist

fig16c marxism makes martyrs

less fun
time energy free time
social time
must be given
to the deus politicki
wherein gods of eld
wanted the blood
& jesus wanted your tithes
marxisms utopia
competes with capitalism
for your unpaid labor power

work a job & go to school
& whatever else you want to do
youre only a good comrade
if you make politically appropriate
amounts of sacrifice
our resources are thin already
organization is always thirsty
leads to the burnout

leadoffs & branch meetings
are indeed ritualistic
dues collection discussion
nothing upsetting the norm
there are lots of historic
examples to draw on
its especially important
everyone be well versed
in the same texts ad pukeum

contrast anarchism
more utopia by revelation
still narrative
infinitely more accessible
doesnt dwell on history
political figures formulas

lived experience
more than a little
adventurism no less

fig16d young counterculture in capitalism necessarily suffers from oneupmanship & punker-than-thou snobbery

sort of suffers
from a peter pan syndrome

no small wonder
it attracts teenagers

still im moved to think
of zen buddhism
while master is chopping off a hand
the anarchist laughs & is enlightened

weird spiritual crossings
seeking utopia
today now urgently
at the very least
on this earth

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

08 March 2013

turntables: a death in london

im pretty shocked by
this article in the bbc
about mourning
& i promised not to get too
needlessly mainstream
or international

but i remember a couple days ago
mummy royal wasnt feeling so good
so i was wondering
how it would look if we turned it around
in some certain instances
& added a dash of anglo nationalism
just for shits & giggles

The United Kingdom is holding at least seven days of national mourning following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. But, what does this tribute amount to in practice? And is "national" mourning a meaningful expression of grief, or a purely symbolic political gesture?
The state takes the lead. Flags have been lowered to half-mast, cannon shots are being fired each hour until Queen Elizabeth's  funeral, and schools and universities have reportedly closing for three days to allow young people to pay their respects.
Police units have been deployed in the capital, London, in the words of Prime Minister David Cameron, to "accompany and protect our people and guarantee peace".
These seven days of mourning have been echoed by three days of national mourning declared by Commonwealth countries including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
"Whenever a state makes some sort of decree like that, it's inherently political," says Jill Scott, a professor at Queen's University, Ontario, who studies the social dynamics of mourning.

we're british isn't it splendid?

Days, weeks, years of mourning

  • this is a picture of Tony Blair
  • this is probably as close to mourning as you'll ever see from Tony Blair
  • Tony Blair: "The Queen isn't even political, what are you writing this article about"
  • Blair to Bush: "We're not even in office anymore"
  • David Cameron: "I've been PM for quite some time, really"
"There is no doubt that a good bout of grief is extremely good for national unity."
"The ruling government made a decision and told the people what they were to do with their grief," says Professor Scott.
However divisive a figure Queen Elizabeth was in her own country, the grief expressed by many Britons is undoubtedly heartfelt.
Hundreds of thousands of Queen Elizabeth's supporters, wearing the white, blue and red of the country's flag, took to the streets on Wednesday to see the coffin pass by en route to the capital's military academy, where the late monarch's body was to lie in state before the funeral on Friday.
But national mourning is for more than the individual, says Joanna Bourke, professor at Birkbeck College in London.
"The grief is not only for the loss of an important person and symbol but the loss of a future - the foreclosure of a national future," she says.
"We saw this most potently in the funeral of Queen Victoria when the whole nation went into a kind of shock - despite her age, it was unbelievable that she should die."
Mourners queue to pay respects to Sir Winston Churchill in 1965Britons are known for their lack of crying. Seriously. Google "Weeping Britons," all the pictures are from the Olympics.

Start Quote

Days of national mourning not only reflect a national community but create it”
Professor Joanna BourkeBirkbeck College, London
"Genuine or fake - it's not quite an either/or in the United Kingdom," says analyst Aidan Foster-Carter, honorary senior research fellow at Leeds University.
"It was very much an order, you were certainly supposed to be solemn, but that doesn't mean the tears weren't genuine.
"If you have been taught this person is the centre of the world your whole life, their death might get you quite het up."

More from the Magazine

Mourning in Pyongyang, Dec 2011
North Koreans: "You laugh at our pain but your Queen is mortal too! We thought Glorious Leader Kim would never die, now we are as jaded as you, our enemy!"
Bin Xu, assistant professor at Florida International University, argues that the "settings" common to so-called "national mourning", such as crowds lining a funeral procession route, help to intensify displays of grief.
"When many other people around us are displaying their grief, we are more likely to wail and even outdisplay our fellow mourners," he says. "We might be surprised by our own feeling display in such settings."
Professor Scott suggests that to some extent, in terms of public grief, a dividing line can be drawn between the "more reserved" northern hemisphere and "more emotional" southern hemisphere.
But, she adds, outpourings of public grief which span the globe with no state encouragement, are increasing in an age where media penetration makes people feel they personally know public figures.
The death of Princess Diana in 1997 was even an occasion where the scale and intensity of public grief not only caught UK officials by surprise - but threatened to turn Britons against the Royal Family for their perceived remoteness.
While it was not officially declared a day of mourning, the Saturday of the funeral brought the UK close to standstill as shops and banks closed, sports events were postponed, and theatre and cinema showings cancelled.
Professor Bourke says: "Days of national mourning not only reflect a national community but create it."
Or, as Professor Scott puts it: "There is nothing to pump people up like a good bout of grief."

07 March 2013

& yea marx then smote the wall street bull

for incriminating evidence
for my next crime

i found this exhibit
on moses
the economics
of the 10 commandments

great for a chuckle
little bit illuminating

as to said crime
here is a preview

fig15a beards mean business

they are not so different

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

the totality of the circumstances

file this one
under actionable items

fig14a serving & protecting the shit out of you

no felony
no assault charge

so lets talk about
authorized use of force
because writing the law
& carrying out its letters
entirely different

"reasonable to kick a hypothetical suspect who was already on the ground"
"the short answer is yes"

oh good
no one wanted to hear the long
answer anyway probably too many

heres where it gets good

if a crowd has gathered
get the focal point of this crowd
faster the crowd will dissipate
risk of the suspect getting help from the crowd

dozens of potentially hostile onlookers

looks to me like theyre trying
to make an example

fig14b that nothing to see here bullshit

my untrained eye
counts five squad cars

you cannot bully a community
into compliance
any more than you can one man
not for long
not ethically

that might could be
laws nature
that cooperation
requires coercion
of our labor power

its threat
its realization

certainly not saying
the guy is a saint
for beatin up his girlfriend
which he was probably doing
but two wrongs
as they say
dont make a right

& our laughably oxymoronic
justice system
just keeps heaping up
them wrongs

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

05 March 2013

we must link activist stress with emotional & transformative justice

ongoing postmarxist critique

older now but
this article
the immediate need for emotional justice
speaks again
experiences in sectarian

not only my own emotional
that of
burnouts wanderoffs
jadeds tired outs
all around

stress confrontation
buildup & letdown

fig13a lets not forget the sectarian student recruitment fetish while we are here

so few ways to vent
so few ways for feelings
to be taken seriously
always talking about
like for blood
im going to have to write
more on that later

fig13b with narrative logic like that no wonder enrollment is at historic lows

speaking to abuse
in the activist community
in which i seem
to have taken interest

lacking emotional justice

folks from homes

by capitalism
the state

turn to what theyve learned
violence abuse
coercion manipulation

in these communities
those very dynamics
poison dynamics

which the world we
want to change

if we cant fix it
in ourselves
our loved ones

how can we empower

& even our enemies

i know sectarians
wont listen
at best theyre slow to change
its all about building
glorious proletarian revolution
without ever addressing
personal problems
problems must in essence first
be polticized
too often at the cost
of dehumanizing
the problemed
sacred logic ending
with dismissal

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

04 March 2013

keep calm & whatever
is a meme ripe
for crapjects
might be my new
favorite subject

so when algorithms
decided to publish
rape tshirts

from the article linked
kindle spam

monkeys banging


reprogramming the world
what ends

maybe someday well have
a worldful
self perpetuating

threedee printers amok
informed by
burning rape tshirts
to keep warm

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

03 March 2013

optimistic engineer tackles peak plastic

via as usual lovingly
from the new inquiry

its an article worth reading
because partly
what we think of when we think peak oil
because partly unflaggably
optimisic engineer

says rather than handwring
over plastics death
undeath redeath whatever
alternatives that already exist
natural gas for example

TM: I wonder how much time that really buys us.

DC: That’s a bit of an open question, but probably a decent amount.... But really, this is an opportunity to think about what should be made of plastic, and why.

yes plastic
is a recent invention
we overuse it too

DC: A good example is switching disposable cutlery to bioderived, compostable plastics — there’s really no reason why something that has a functional life measured in minutes needs to be made of something like polystyrene that essentially lasts forever.
buried in plastic forks
up to our eyeballs
as ive said
dinosaurs revenge

so she says
lets use nature

DC: ... feeding bacteria the waste material from palm oil production and having them synthesize biodegradable polymer.
although i think my friends
rainforest action network
might take some issue
with that one in particular

then naturally the threedee
object printer hubbub

are we looking at a world full of “crapjects”? I think the evolution of printing and photocopying might tell us something about the evolution of 3-D printing. 

i love it
as if
stuff weve already got
is renowned for its utility

other natural solutions
inspirations include
every fascists second
favorite insect next to ants

DC: One of my side projects is looking at a type of plastic made by the Colletes family of bees.
fig12 that was no human bee

that ones pretty promising

DC: It’s possible that our material environment will look exactly the same after we run out of oil. But I think it’s far more likely that we’ll see a range of new polymers, that do a better job of filling niches.
i envision
a world of polymers
a new logic of materials
hence commodities
community planning
an alien animal world

with the same unflaggable human

progress narrative
always so exciting
on the horizon
banal & disappointing
when its realized
at least so far
constrained in

yours for the revolution
forbidden books