15 February 2013

a ceo is not a classical capitalist & your boss is not THE boss

We can run everything we need without the breath of a CEO on the back of our necks.

the far left rhetoric
marxists & anarchists
make them sound
sometimes like they havent worked
a day in their lives

no wonder they mostly
attract students

unless you work in the c suite
i highly doubt a ceo
is ever going to breathe
down your neck

i dont think the far left
even knows what the c suite is
wall street
is only a symbol to us

an abstraction

we would do well
to learn more about
the systems we want to
there are some scary concepts
out in the biz world
we would be wise
to study that which we oppose

finally to reach out
to others than those
who will grow up
to be a professor

fig10a blah blah blah
yours for the revolution
forbidden books

14 February 2013

& stay dead

shut up about technology & romance
shit changes youll live

romance is dead good
bye fascism

today would be a good day for an orgy
like any other day of course

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

12 February 2013

exigency revealed

dorners not just mad
about getting fired & crazy

in a typically blind pro-cop
american media sort of way
they skirt around the fact he was fired
for ratting
on corruption

as much as you can avoid
corruption and racism
when talking about
the lapd

so bad
that when this happens
chief beck has to come on tv
say hell reopen the case

it takes this

we can take for granted
that dorner is insane yeah
that manifesto breaks down halfway

starts talking to tebow
shout outs to hillary clinton
like hes won the oscar
for best mass murderer

hes got the worlds attention
he knows it
they always know it

fig9a we are naturally familiar with this concept

be easy to blame the media
but more accurate
to note how media & manifestation
of violent insanity
have this lewd public relationship

capitalism consumer capitalism
birthing its own monsters

imperialism too
veteran turned cop
in the militarized police
navy sharpshooter
eight times decorated

talks about values he learned

fig9b value added to a product by military labor

i am a walking exigent circumstance
meaning hes the thing
that cant be planned for
an antichrist rendered
through 21st c fabric

may or may not be so
while i write this theyre still
poking the remains of the compound

compound being the word
for cabin once hostages are taken

either he does outsmart them
going on undermining their cred
hurting more people
they do stop him
testament to how desperately
they need to save

he's a loose

look at the way the cops
shot at innocent people
barricaded a truck unrelated to the case
it looks bad

fig9c necessary on so many levels

it looks really bad

this would be a wakeup moment
an enlightenment
if we can tune out the news
and listen to our gut our instinct

we all knew
dorner was only a matter of time

hyping up the dramatic parts
leaving out the backstory
media has the gall to come at this
all surprisedlike

so most of us will stay in the trance
nobody saw this coming?
are you kidding?

this isnt the beginning
this isnt even the end

fig9d what is violence? whateven is mental health?

we dont have
collective cognitive framework
for whatevers going on
much less
comes next

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

10 February 2013

I am a walking exigent circumstance


lapd officer christopher dorners manifesto

you create your monsters
i suppose

yours for the revolution
forbidden books