25 February 2013

press 1 to plead guilty press 2 to plead innocent

article entitled paperwork against the people
tackling some very issues i have
even down to dmv

dissent quarterly
looks pretty cool check it out

so only thing i have
to add to all that
is that bureaucracy
though its existed more/less
since ancient china

so legend goes

hit its stride with invent
& sophistication of
the state
that bestest of our friends

just like how markets
transactions profit
all existed before capitalism

clerks paperwork
enlightened meritocracy
all existed before the state

but they wuv each other
so much

bureaucracy being
the mechanization of human society
paperwork being programming

even our justice system
just answer yes or no
boils down to binaries
two privileged storytellers
an official judge appointed
by the state
and a gallery of spectators

all that paperwork
contorting details
to fit in the box
called justice

never forget
especially as you sit in a meeting
a political meeting a work meeting
a public meeting
that death by committee
is an old old thing

and that the terror
hinged on a group calling itself
the committee of public safety

le comite de salut public
safety & health
the same reasons they shut down

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

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