02 March 2013

link minded folks

organizing as if social relations matter

its always vindicative
when i find someone thinking
along lines
i also walk

Organizing, good organizing, is to my mind the slow, steady, one-on-one building of relations and interconnections that are at odds with how people are treated under capitalism.
go on
im listening

Instead of instrumentalizing people for what they can give us or do for us, we look to each other as having worth unto ourselves, and for how we can cement relations of sociability, collaboration, and solidarity

Expedient activism falls apart under its own flimsy weight; there’s little there to sustain it, especially when the going inevitably gets rough or disappointing. Here, patient and what appears to be joyful organizing might just have a fighting chance of leaving something in its wake

that speaks to my experiences
socialist sectarianism

beliefs in changing
behavior & culture
creative relationships
transcend isolation

it takes work
says cindy milstein
something i am learning also
from the revolution starts
at home

reaching out
finding people
putting effort
not into sign
waving ranting

socalled actions
recognizing instead
building the world we want
begins with living the life
we believe in

As now-deferred prospective student after student got up to read their varied, often-eloquent remarks, or have them read by a current Cooper Union student or an alumni, for upward of an hour, it became clearer and clearer how much work went into finding, educating, involving, and gaining the support and participation of these frequently far-afieldpotential students.

mind you
a population
who would seem
accessible useful
in an
expedient way


That no tuition, even within a hierarchical and select structure, still manages to engender a tangible freedom to imagine social goodness, and the freedom (of thought and financial constraints) to organize in more imaginative as well as qualitative ways
in the face
of the anarchists
& far leftists
not though the sectarian socialists
in this case

but in the face
of those who want to bring it
all down now now now
with a brick

yes yes yes
we want it to be so easy
revolution happens suddenlike
but there must be
work lessons compromise
failures effort love
changing culture
changing material
changing structure

i look forward to reading more
from this beautiful blog

yours for the revolution
forbidden books

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